
Information about the company

Axe is a brand of male grooming products, owned by the British-Dutch company Unilever and marketed towards the young male demographic. It is known as Lynx in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and China. In other countries such as South Africa and the United States it is known as Axe.

Commercial approach

Summed up by the hashtag #yougotsomething, the brand positioning put forth the idea that every guy is unique and has got something special about him. With such a strong message of individuality, a single one-size-fits-all ad would never deliver.

Google Ads success story

With this in mind, the team included YouTube Bumper Ads with nuanced targeting as a key feature of the digital media plan. They got started by developing a deep understanding of the key passion points of the core target by looking at what YouTube content men aged 15 to 30 were watching. They then developed 40 different Bumper Ads that corresponded to those areas of interest. The YouTube campaign setup linked socio demographic targeting with the key affinity topics that the team had identified. In this way, the content of each specific ad shown resonated precisely with the context of the viewer.


-Reached 87% of target audience
-31.2% uplift in ad recall
-4.6% uplift in brand awareness

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